Thursday, January 16, 2014

Time to...FANGIRL!!!

*Sighs* I know what you're thinking. Two posts in one day. But, I can explain. 


*thinks harder*

Oh! I know! I wanted to post again to explain my favorite five fandoms. Not only do I like rhymy-wimey stuff (See what I did there?), but I also like alliteration. So anyway:

1. Loki/Tom Hiddles ~ No. It's not because he's gorgeous (Though it's true). It's because he is, undeniably, the most hilarious, polite, kind, generous, civil actor there ever is or was. Plus, he's a really good actor. xD And I'm not just talking about his role as Loki, our favorite sarcastic super villain.

2. BBC shows ~ Let's start with Doctor Who: NO. You will not say I'm jumping on the bandwagon. You will not say anything like "Stupid sci-fi show." Because neither is true. Doctor Who is truly one of the best shows there is. I can't even explain why it's so amazing. It By the the way?

Bow-tie + Fez = Cool

 And Sherlock. Oh BBC, what am I going to do with you? Sherlock and DW? *faints* It's just too wonderful for words.


3. John Green ~ Writes books. That can't even be described. *sobs*

4. Minions ~ Yellow blobs that say "Bello" a lot and are somehow are the most adorable things in the world. Without question.

5. My Little Pony ~ Who doesn't love a show with cute little ponies that actually has a plot-line? Because My Little Pony is just that.

And here's something totally random.
Hahahaha...haha..ha....Yeah. It really isn't that funny.

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