Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hey guys! 'Course at this point, I'm talking to the air, but I figure, that's alright. Probably will be like this for a loooong time lol. Now before you ask, why the name? Okay. So. I like to draw, but nothing more than doodles. Oodles of doodles, to be precise. But no noodles. Because pasta is disgusting. :P Yeah, I know, pasta is everyone's best friend. Except for me. Let's just get this straight: I'm not everyone. Not at all.

Before you think this blog might be stupid or amazing or whatever, let me tell you what it's about. *Cues drumroll* ...Doodles and Fandoms (BBC, Loki, Minions, etc, etc, etc.)
! Yay! I know, it's like, totally the best blog EVER. 8D

...Not really, but I'll try to keep you interested. Do you think I can do that? I hope so.

Hasta to the pasta,*
"Life is the art of drawing without an eraser."
*P.s. I know it doesn't translate right, but hey, I'm all for rhyming so let's pretend it does. ;)

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