Monday, May 25, 2015


Oh my gosh.

Did people actually read this thing?

Oh my gosh.

Excuse me while I go crawl into the corner & die of embarrassment.


I think I might try to get this thing going again though--even if it's just for future laughs.

I'm actually dying of laughter right now because it turns out I made all this stuff up hahaha. I never even used to watch My Little Pony & I don't watch Doctor Who anymore lmao I was such a little liar.

I guess right now I'm really into 1)Twenty One Pilots 2)Lana del Rey & 3)Hannibal (THE NEW SEASON IS ALMOST HERE HOLY ASDFGHJKL)

Not that anyone cares. Since this was originally intended to be an art blog *throws Audrey Hepburn picture at you along with a pretty water picture*
("~OoD?" Oh, hell no. -__-)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Lucky Ducky

My Minions,

Today was the luckiest day ever (Prepare to be bored). In a class economics simulation, we do this chip-drawing thing where you draw three chips a day out of bag for three days and want to get as many points as possible. Then there is a trading period, and the thing is only your highest four chips count for points. The highest third of the class each day gets a candy bar! OMNOMNOM! The chips values are as follows: Green=50, Red=20, Blue=10, White=5. So yesterday I was tied in fourth and got my candy bar. And today I drew three greens! NOMNOMNOM MAH CHOCOLATE.

And also, just found out my Dad is going to take me to a Lindsey Stirling concert in July! SQUEEEEEE!!! If you don't know who she is, look her up. Really, really cool.

Book of the day: Legend Trilogy ~ Marie Lu ~ A dystopian world story about how a prodigy and a street legend expose their government for what it is and yadyadaya.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My Minions,

Today was the best day ever. I had my first art class all year. Well, the first one we actually, you know, did art in. My teacher is the coolest teacher ever. So is his room. It's decorated with cool, creepy stuff like skeletons with wigs and wolves everywhere. 

Like his page on Facebook? He sells some purty cool pottery. Well, he will be selling. Not officially until later this month, though.

I watched more Sherlock the other day. SHERLOLLY FOREVER. While Johnlock is also a good ship, I will always rule in favor of Sherlolly. <3 Molly is so sweet, and Sherlock is so unapproachable. Perfect couple!

My fursona...Meet Lola!

Also, I'm going to try to give book recommendations each post. But usually of books that aren't really very popular--yet! So today's book recommendation is...*cues drumroll*

The Selection Trilogy (Third book not out yet)~ By Kiera Cass ~ Summary: The Hunger Games but instead of a fight to the death, a fight between 35 girls to win a prince's heart. When America Singer is chosen to participate in this "selection," she is forced to leave her family and true love, Aspen behind. So basically she meets the prince, becomes friends with him, he loves her, she's torn between Aspen and Prince Maxon, etc. Typical love story, but believe me, this is much better than Twilight.

“Art is like reading a good book, only you decide how it is going to end.” 


Monday, January 27, 2014

Minion Mania

I haven't posted for 10 days. The end of the world must be coming. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!

Okay, okay, just kidding. But I'm Baaa-aackk! Got a bit caught up in midterms (bleh) so couldn't post for a while. Anyway, school didn't keep me away from my Paint (As in, the computer program. BTW, any other art computer program recommendations? I really hate Paint).
Stuart says hi. No, you may not steal him or have him. He is my minion. MINE. Got it? MAH PRECIOUS! Or else--Face the wrath of PURPLE DUDE. (eheheheh).

(So I know that they both don't have Gru's G on their pocket, but I figured that was probably, like, copyrighted of something? So I was like, "Yeah, no.")

*cuddles* Minions are the cutest things ever. Before you say anything to contradict me, just know your argument is invalid. :P If anyone wants permission to use the lineart all ya have to do is comment. I've got two-eyed lineart, too.

And also: One-eyed or two-eyed minions? Which is better? Comment with your vote!

'Till next time,


Handmade Minion paper bag puppet-made with felt and paper. And buttons.

Friday, January 17, 2014




Sparkle gel pens make the world go round and round. <3


P.s. Even my name's a fandom reference, but not really on purpose. Get it? Ood? No?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Time to...FANGIRL!!!

*Sighs* I know what you're thinking. Two posts in one day. But, I can explain. 


*thinks harder*

Oh! I know! I wanted to post again to explain my favorite five fandoms. Not only do I like rhymy-wimey stuff (See what I did there?), but I also like alliteration. So anyway:

1. Loki/Tom Hiddles ~ No. It's not because he's gorgeous (Though it's true). It's because he is, undeniably, the most hilarious, polite, kind, generous, civil actor there ever is or was. Plus, he's a really good actor. xD And I'm not just talking about his role as Loki, our favorite sarcastic super villain.

2. BBC shows ~ Let's start with Doctor Who: NO. You will not say I'm jumping on the bandwagon. You will not say anything like "Stupid sci-fi show." Because neither is true. Doctor Who is truly one of the best shows there is. I can't even explain why it's so amazing. It By the the way?

Bow-tie + Fez = Cool

 And Sherlock. Oh BBC, what am I going to do with you? Sherlock and DW? *faints* It's just too wonderful for words.


3. John Green ~ Writes books. That can't even be described. *sobs*

4. Minions ~ Yellow blobs that say "Bello" a lot and are somehow are the most adorable things in the world. Without question.

5. My Little Pony ~ Who doesn't love a show with cute little ponies that actually has a plot-line? Because My Little Pony is just that.

And here's something totally random.
Hahahaha...haha..ha....Yeah. It really isn't that funny.

Hey guys! 'Course at this point, I'm talking to the air, but I figure, that's alright. Probably will be like this for a loooong time lol. Now before you ask, why the name? Okay. So. I like to draw, but nothing more than doodles. Oodles of doodles, to be precise. But no noodles. Because pasta is disgusting. :P Yeah, I know, pasta is everyone's best friend. Except for me. Let's just get this straight: I'm not everyone. Not at all.

Before you think this blog might be stupid or amazing or whatever, let me tell you what it's about. *Cues drumroll* ...Doodles and Fandoms (BBC, Loki, Minions, etc, etc, etc.)
! Yay! I know, it's like, totally the best blog EVER. 8D

...Not really, but I'll try to keep you interested. Do you think I can do that? I hope so.

Hasta to the pasta,*
"Life is the art of drawing without an eraser."
*P.s. I know it doesn't translate right, but hey, I'm all for rhyming so let's pretend it does. ;)