Did people actually read this thing?
Oh my gosh.
Excuse me while I go crawl into the corner & die of embarrassment.
I think I might try to get this thing going again though--even if it's just for future laughs.
I'm actually dying of laughter right now because it turns out I made all this stuff up hahaha. I never even used to watch My Little Pony & I don't watch Doctor Who anymore lmao I was such a little liar.
I guess right now I'm really into 1)Twenty One Pilots 2)Lana del Rey & 3)Hannibal (THE NEW SEASON IS ALMOST HERE HOLY ASDFGHJKL)
Not that anyone cares. Since this was originally intended to be an art blog *throws Audrey Hepburn picture at you along with a pretty water picture*
("~OoD?" Oh, hell no. -__-)